If you are newly hired or interested in working at DMACC, you can open the following document to view a condensed listing of the benefits DMACC has to offer:
DMACC Benefit Summary.
If you are a current DMACC employee, you can click on the following link to access your Benefits Guide:
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for DMACC employees:
DMACC employees in need of assistance for such items as counseling, legal issues, financial planning, child/elder care, or other personal issues are encouraged to access the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provided by Lincoln Financial Group. EmployeeConnect Plus can be accessed online at www.GuidanceResources.com (Organization Web ID needed to Register = Lincoln) or by calling 855-327-4463 to speak with a Guidance Consultant.
Workers' Compensation Forms: To access DMACC Designated Physician forms for work-related injuries, click the following link:
www.dmacc.edu/hr/pages/forms.aspx and look under the "Workers' Compensation" section. These forms can also be found on
Retirement Links
www.ipers.org/ -
IPERS Member Handbook
www.tiaa-cref.org -TIAA-CREF Member Handbook
Social Security