Applicant Checklist

DMACC Ford ASSET Student working on Digital Analytics 

These are the procedures an applicant must successfully complete to become accepted as a Ford ASSET student at DMACC. Check off as each step is finished. Act promptly! Although the classes will not begin until Fall semester, we expect all seats in the class to be filled quickly.

  • DMACC/Ford ASSET Application for Admission. Complete a DMACC application for admission online.
  • Pre-acceptance Tests. All prospective students must successfully complete the pre-acceptance tests. You will be responsible for scheduling a time to take the tests. Contact the assessment center at 515-697-7807​​.
  • Personal Interview with the Ford ASSET Instructor. Call for an appointment for a personal interview with the Ford ASSET Instructor once you have successfully completed the pre-acceptance tests. The instructor will explain the Ford ASSET program, let you know what your responsibilities are as a Ford ASSET student, and give you suggestions regarding finding a dealer sponsor. Students should bring a completed Candidate Int​erview Form to the interview. (If scores are not acceptable, you will be able to set up a time to retest.)
  • Dealer Interviews. An appointment for an interview should be scheduled with interested dealers or service managers at a Ford or Lincoln dealership. Each student is required to be sponsored by a Ford or Lincoln dealership and IT IS THE PROSPECTIVE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO LOCATE HIS/HER OWN SPONSOR. Students can find a dealership anywhere in the state of Iowa or surrounding states. Once a dealer sponsor has been secured, return the Candidate Sponsorship Agreement Form to the Ford ASSET instructor. NOTE: Refer to the Finding A Sponsor page on this website for tips. These tips have been proven effective in securing a sponsor. Students experiencing difficulty in obtaining a sponsor should contact DMACC Ford ASSET personnel for assistance. If necessary, a dealer/student interview day will be held to assist in matching up dealers with prospective students.
  • Final Acceptance and DMACC Registration. Students will receive a letter of acceptance shortly after the college and dealership agree that the applicant has successfully completed all pre-acceptance requirements of the program.
  • DMACC Registration. Register for Ford ASSET classes at DMACC.