Online Advisory Council

​The Online Advisory Council (OAC) is a group of faculty and staff that was formed in 2019 to help guide online programs and initia​​tives (OAC members list). The OAC identifies priorities, forms sub-committees, and investigates options/solutions. The OAC recommendations are presented to administration and other stakeholders. The goal is to make informed decisions through a great deal of collaboration and communication.

Online Advisory Council Recommendations

Course Design review

Faculty Support outcomes

LMS review

  • LMS Review Summary shared with Executive Council (March 2021)
  • Executive Council has approved moving forward with next steps (April 2021)
    • Transition plan
    • DMACC Course template expectations
    • Training plan
    • Communication plan

Signature Courses

Student Support Services

  • The remote work during the college closure has caused us to offer and/or discover student services which we have been offering in an online format. The subcommittee is continuing to identify areas for improvement. (May 2020)