Signature Course Status

​​​​​​​​​​This is the status for the Online CPI Signature Courses.

✔ = complete
⚒ = in progress

BIO151 NutritionNikki Fitzgerald
BUS102 Introduction to BusinessJoe Hanson
BUS185 Business Law I
CSC116 Information ComputingAmy Christian & Karen Lentz-O'Loughlin
ECN120 Principles of MacroeconomicsJill Friestad-Tate
ECN130 Principles of MicroeconomicsJill Friestad-Tate
ENG105 Composition INicole Vogler
ENG106 Composition IIColin Hogan
ENV115 Environmental ScienceMelanie Sadeghpour
ENV116 Environmental Science LabMelanie Sadeghpour
GEO111 Introduction to Geography
HIS112 Western Civ. Ancient to Modern
HUM116 Encounters in HumanitiesLindsay Simpson
LIT101 Intro. to LiteratureNicole Vogler
MAT110 Math for Liberal ArtsMarie Buse
MAT156 StatisticsHeather Podlich
PHI105 Introduction to Ethics
PHS152 Astronomy
PSY111 Introduction to PsychologyTiffany Thomas
PSY121 Developmental Psychology
Kate Burrell Rice
PSY241 Abnormal PsychologyMarilyn Jerome
REL101 Survey of World Religions
SDV108 The College ExperienceMary McClure
SOC110 Introduction to SociologyKate Halverson​​
SOC115 Social ProblemsKate Halverson
SOC120 Marriage and FamilyKatie Mitchell

If you have questions about getting access to a Signature course, please contact Online Learning. Please also see the Frequently Asked Questions​.
