MESH Proposals

​This year we are looking for two types of sessions for the following areas:

  1. Disciplines: English/Creative Writing Classes, Drama, Journalism, Speech, Literature, Humanities, Others I am forgetting!
  2. Leader-led sessions that are focused on a specific topic of interest. These sessions are flexible in format: they can include facilitator presentations, panel discussions, roundtable discussions on focused issues such as grading, class structure, discussion, or best practices for encouraging participation, challenges particular to adjunct or concurrent-enrollment faculty, or any other format/topic that you believe will engage your peers.
  3. Open-ended roundtable discussion facilitators. This year we will be dedicating one of our breakout sessions to a set of informal roundtable discussions geared around the following disciplines: speech, writing, and literature/humanities. Participants will choose which topic they are interested in, and conversation will be free-flowing and casual. Facilitators will be tasked only with keeping the discussion going.​​