Sustainable Justice: Cultivating Our Student-Ready Praxis
Keynote Speaker & Presenter: Dr. Emily Suh
Dr. Emily K. Suh began her postsecondary teaching career at Southeast Community College where she taught developmental education and adult English as a Second Language classes for nearly a decade. She is currently the English Language Arts/Reading Coordinator and an Assistant Professor in the Graduate Programs of Developmental Education at Texas State University. Emily’s teaching and scholarship seek to promote justice-oriented approaches that amplify the intersections of students’ identities, cultures, and literacy practices in support of students’ academic goals achievement. She is the Equity, Access, and Inclusion Network Chair for the National Organization for Student Success. Most recently, her work has been published in
Community College Journal of Research and Practice;
Radical Teacher; Teaching English in the Two-Year College;
Journal of College Reading and Learning; and the
Journal of Access, Retention, and
Inclusion in Higher Education. Emily is the proud parent of five children who daily teach her lessons on striving toward grace, justice, and love.