Self-Assessment Chart for Writing Placement

​Consider the following paths when deciding what level of composition course to take.

I am fluent in spoken English but it takes me a long time to read and write in English.I think of myself as an average reader and writer.I think of myself as a strong reader and writer.
I often lose the meaning when I read because I get stuck on words I don't understand.Reading can be boring and hard. I really don't do much other than just read and put it away.I am comfortable with reading complex essays and take notes when I read.
I find it challenging to follow the main point from section to section when I read.When reading, I am still not sure what the author's point is, and it is difficult to explain how the reading relates to anything.When I read, I make connections to other things I have read or experienced as a means of understanding a reading.
I want to develop my vocabulary for college level English.I would like to learn more about how writers connect and organize ideas in their writing.I feel comfortable identifying the structure and organization of the things I read.
I have ideas for writing but it's difficult to express my ideas, so I usually don't write very much.I have trouble coming up with good topics and ideas for my essays.I do well finding topics to write about, and I can relate my ideas to the ideas of others.
When I make paragraphs, the point isn't always clear and the sentences don't seem to flow.I am unsure of myself when I plan my writing and could use tips on planning strategies.I have effective strategies for outlining and organizing my writing.
I need help with writing effective sentences and editing grammar mistakes in my writing.I need to improve my research skills and learn how to use outside sources in my writing.

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I could use some brushing up on grammar and punctuation.
I feel comfortable doing research, how to locate and evaluate sources and relate them to my own writing.
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I am confident about the conventions of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
I would prefer to take an extra semester to work on my English before taking English 145 and/or English 105.

Conclusion for Path 1: Take ENG 060 & 061
I would prefer to​ get some more practice and help from my instructor as I learn to write college-level assignments.

Conclusion for Path 2: Take ENG 145 with 105
I am ready to work at a quick pace with the instructor as my guide.

Conclusion for Path 3: Take ENG 105