Frequently Asked Questions-Faculty and Staff

​​The following are frequently asked questions that have been posed when organizations/businesses change their tobacco use policies. DMACC responses are provided.

  1. What are the specific provisions of the new tobacco use policy?

    Response: Tobacco products cannot be used while on DMACC property. See HF 2212.

  2. How does the new policy differ from the previous policy?

    Response: The previous policy allowed faculty and staff to smoke 25-feet from building entrances and allowed for use of smokeless tobacco.

  3. Does the policy apply to the use of tobacco products besides cigarettes?

    Response: Yes.

  4. Does the policy prohibit me from bringing cigarettes or other tobacco products to work?

    Response: No. However, they are not to be used while on DMACC property.

  5. To whom does the policy apply?

    Response: Students, faculty, staff, administrators, visitors, delivery services, and contractors.

  6. Is the policy in effect at all times or only during regular working hours?

    Response: At all times

  7. When does the policy take effect?

    Response: July 1, 2008.

  8. Where does new policy apply? Are any locations exempted?

    Response: All DMACC campuses, attendance centers, walking trails, outdoor athletic complexes, and any where that DMACC provides a service (e.g., rental facilities). This policy also applies to DMACC vehicles, and personal vehicles located on DMACC property. No DMACC location is exempt.

  9. How do I know where DMACC property begins and ends?

    Response: Please refer to the following website and select the DMACC campus in question.

  10. Am I allowed to smoke in my car while it's parked on DMACC's property?

    Response: No. Per Iowa statute (Iowa Code 142D) you may not use tobacco products in any personal vehicle while on DMACC property.

  11. Does the policy prohibit smoking in organization-owned vehicles (e.g., government vehicles) only while those vehicles are on (organization name) property?

    Response: No. The policy applies at all times for all DMACC vehicles.

  12. Am I allowed to leave DMACC property to smoke during my workday?

    Response: Yes.

  13. Am I allowed to take breaks to leave DMACC property to smoke?

    Response: Yes. Please refer to Loading...: "Regular employees are granted two paid rest breaks during the work day not to exceed 15 minutes each. Breaks shall be granted as work conditions allow and, if necessary, specific break times may be designated by the supervisor."

  14. Will employees who smoke get longer breaks than nonsmoking employees?

    Response: No. Please refer to Loading....

  15. How will the policy be enforced?

    Response: Faculty and staff who do not comply with the tobacco-free policy will be issued fines in compliance with Iowa Code 142D and are subject to DMACC disciplinary action. Supervisors of employees who do not comply with the tobacco-free policy shall follow progressive discipline as outlined in HR3235, beginning with a verbal warning.

    Faculty and staff members who witness a student violating the tobacco-free policy should follow the Student Services guidelines for tobacco-free student compliance.

    Faculty and staff members who witness employees smoking should follow the following guidelines:

    1. Provide the violator with a courteous reminder of DMACC's tobacco-free policy
    2. Contact the individual's supervisor if:
      1. You are not comfortable reminding the violator about the policy and wish to report the violation.
      2. The violator is a frequent offender.
      3. The violator is rude, discourteous, or defiant.

    Employees who witness visitors or contractors smoking should provide the violator with a courteous reminder of DMACC's tobacco free policy.

    Harassment or intimidation of violators or those reporting violations is not allowed and is subject to DMACC disciplinary policy.

  16. I'm a supervisor and my employee has violated this policy. What should I do?

    Response: Supervisors should follow progressive discipline as outlined in HR3235 beginning with a verbal warning.

  17. What happens if I choose to use tobacco while on DMACC property?

    Response: The process of achieving a tobacco-free environment takes patience and education. DMACC believes that self-enforcement will become part of the norm, and will be similar to that of following Iowa's seat belt laws.

    See response to Question 15.

  18. What should I do if I see someone violating DMACC's tobacco-free policy?

    Response: If you comfortable doing so, it is appropriate to provide the violator with a courteous reminder of DMACC's tobacco-free policy. Faculty, staff, and students are reminded that every individual - whether a tobacco user or not - should be accorded dignity and respect. Therefore, harassment or intimidation of violators is never appropriate, and is subject to DMACC disciplinary policy.

  19. I currently use tobacco. Does this mean that I have to quit?

    Response: No. However, you will not be allowed to use tobacco while at work.

  20. What resources are available to help employees who want to take advantage of this opportunity to quit smoking or using tobacco products?

    Response: Quit Line Iowa provides several resources that employees can take advantage if, if they are seeking assistance. Simply call 1-800-784-8669. Also refer to the listing of cessation resources located within the DMACC district.

  21. Is DMACC making assistance available to contractors, full-time and casual part-time employees who would like to quit smoking?

    Response: DMACC will provide information concerning tobacco cessation programs. In particular, the DMACC community will have access to information concerning all of the free and sliding-scale programs available through groups/organizations located within the DMACC district. At this time DMACC's insurance carrier does not reimburse for tobacco cessation products or programs.

  22. Is DMACC making assistance available for spouses and other family members who would like to quit smoking?

    Response: See response to Question 20.

  23. Can I obtain telephone cessation counseling, cessation medications, or otherwise access cessation assistance during my workday?

    Response: Quit Line Iowa (1-800-784-8669) provides resource information, as well as a free two-week supply of cessation products.