Potential Resources

​​Smoking Tobacco

Iowa Department of Public Health

  • Free smoking cessation help available through Quit Line Iowa, at 1-800-784-8869 (1-800-Quit-Now).
  • Community Partners Map - To find local support/resources in your area, click on your county.​

American Lung Association

Veteran's Administration

NOPE365 is a FREE network of thousands of fellow quitters who will help pull you up the mountain and hold you steady at the top.​


An online quitting resource.

U.S. Surgeon General's Cessation Guidelines
Sponsored by the Office of the Surgeon General, this site offers materials for the consumer and the clinician for tobacco cessation. Files are accessible in PDF or text format, with some available in Spanish.

Smokeless Tobacco

Oral Cancer Foundation
The Oral Cancer Foundation site is a resource for those interested in oral cancer diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, survivor support, dental issues, and research information. The site also features a section entitled the "Tobacco Connection" that provides information on different types of tobacco, nicotine and addiction, cessation, and tobacco-related diseases.



Iowa Department of Public Health Facts/Law Review