Guidelines for Tobacco-Free Student Compliance

Students need to be aware that it is their responsibility to be in compliance with DMACC's tobacco-free policy, as with any other DMACC policy, or state or federal law while on DMACC property.

Effective January 1, 2009, whenever a student is seen by a DMACC faculty or staff member as not complying with the DMACC tobacco-free policy, the student will be asked to provide their name and student ID number.

Each time the student is in violation he/she will be sent a letter.

First Violation: A letter will be sent to the student by the VP, Enrollment Services & Student Success explaining that they have been observed not complying with DMACC's tobacco-free policy.

Second Violation: A letter will be sent to the student by the VP, Enrollment Services & Student Success requiring the student to meet with either their Campus Provost, Associate Campus Provost or Judicial Officer for a Disciplinary Conference to discuss the alleged violations of the Tobacco Free Campus Policy.

Third Violation: A letter will be sent to the student informing the student that they are being fined $50 for violation of the DMACC Tobacco Free Campus Policy.

Subsequent Violations: $50 fine for each violation.