Course Descriptions

LS 151 - Elementary Spanish I

Credits: 5
This course aims to develop functional proficiency in Spanish through listening, speaking, reading and writing to and with others based on themes of everyday life using authentic resources to interpret information and expand their knowledge of cultures of the Spanish-speaking peoples of the world. ​

FLS 152 - Elementary Spanish II

Credits: 5
This course aims to continue development of functional proficiency in Spanish through listening, speaking, reading and writing to and with others. Students will expand their ability to communicate in Spanish in everyday, practical situations, using authentic resources to interpret information and expand their knowledge of cultures of the Spanish-speaking peoples of the world.  

Prerequisite: FLS 1​51 or instructor permission

FLS 181 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs I

Credits: 4
This course is designed to address the needs of Hispanic/Latino students who can communicate in Spanish but need to develop their reading, writing and speaking skills in a more accelerated environment than a traditional Spanish course. It will provide students the grammatical tools they need to write effectively with respect to register of language. Students become more familiar with accentuation rules and develop improved spelling skills through grammar drills and directed composition.

Prerequisite: Instructor permission

FLS 241 - Intermediate Spanish I

Credits: 4
This course aims to extend proficiency in Spanish. Skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing are further developed around themes of academic and social issues using authentic resources to expand their knowledge of cultures of the Spanish-speaking peoples of the world. The intermediate level places special emphasis on classroom discussion and on compositions of greater length.

Prerequisite: FLS 152 or instructor approval

FLS 242 - Intermediate Spanish II

Credits: 4
This course builds on FLS 241 to further develop proficiency in Spanish. Emphasis is on the continued study of authentic and representative literary and cultural texts to expand skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing with increasing complexity. Class topics center around  themes of academic and social issues and use of authentic resources to strengthen awareness of the cultures of the Spanish-speaking peoples of the world. 

Prerequisite: FLS 241 or instructor approval

FLS 281 - Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II

Credits: 4
This course is the continuation of  FLS 181 and is intended for students who can communicate in Spanish, but need to further develop reading, writing and speaking skills in a more accelerated environment than a traditional Spanish course. It provides further practice of writing and speaking with respect to language register. This course further develops the Spanish speaker’s skills in intermediate reading and writing through a series of more extensive readings, grammar drills and directed compositions, and continues study of more formal Spanish.

Prerequisite: FLS 181 or FLS 152 or permission of instructor​