
​​​​​​​Extramurals are sports tha​t contested between different educational institutions, contrasted with intramural sports which are contested internally by participants of the same institution. The purpose is to promote recreational sports on our college campus, provide extramural competition and social interaction between the schools, and cultivate the habits of good sportsmanship while providing opportunities for top-level competition.

The Best of the Best vs. Simpson College​

14th Street Showdown vs. Grandview University​

Central Iowa Intramural Championships – Intramural Basketball Invitational

Central Iowa Intramural Championships Logo 

Participating Schools

dmacc bears logo 
simpson college logo 
grandview college logo

Current Sports Played: Sand Volleyball, Flag Football, Indoor Volleyball and Basketball

What you are playing for – PRIDE, a traveling trophy and a t-shirt​

Extramural Champions