Student Support Request Process

​​​​​The Student Support Request electronic form (previously known as Early Alert Referral, or EAR) is a mechanism by which DMACC faculty members may send an encouraging “Kudos” message to students who are performing well in class or refer students to various DMACC student services professionals for support. Reasons for a submission may include:

  1. ​Send a Kudos note to students who are doing well in your class. The note will be sent to their DMACC email and will include your name, class name, and any notes entered.
  2. Request Academic Support: a note will be sent to the student’s DMACC email detailing online and on campus options for academic support.
  3. Request Academic Advising Assistance: please explain the reason for the referral in the notes section. The student will receive staff outreach including an automated message to their DMACC email.
  4. Request Non-Emergency Personal Counseling Support: please explain the reason for your referral in the notes section. Counseling services are available for enrolled students age 18 and older.

To learn more about the process, please review this presentation (PDF) and/or this guide (PDF) on how to use the system.  

The Student Support Request process includes three of the most common resources at the college.  Please view our comprehensive list of student resources​

​Please consider the following:
  • Whenever appropriate, faculty are encouraged to communicate directly with students prior to submitting a request.
  • If a student is in need of technical support, encourage them to complete a Tech Support Request.
  • If you have any questions regarding Part of Term NA/QA or grade reporting, please contact the Registrar’s Office or your supervisor. Student Support Requests are not intended as a mechanism to report attendance issue. Get more information here​.​
​ ​​This will redirect you to myDMACC. Select the Faculty tab to access the Student Support Request form.
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Student services staff members who receive requests will update faculty/staff as to the result of the outreach whenever possible and when the interaction relates specifically to the faculty member’s legitimate educational interest, as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Counselors (professionally bound by the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics, Section A.6.b. Confidentiality and Advocacy) will treat all counseling interactions with the student in a confidential manner. When further communication with the referring party regarding counseling intervention is deemed necessary, counselors must obtain client consent.

If you encounter any issues using the Student Support Request form, please email​.

The existing Early Alert Referral form will remain accessible during this transition period and can be foundhere​.

Early Alert will be taken offline on March 28, 2023. Faculty are invited to use the updated Student Support Request process described above.

Do you have feedback or questions about this process? Please contact Bobby Nalean, Coordinator of Student Success Initiatives at​
