War and the Human Experience Series

​The ​series studies the myriad of ways warfare has influenced our lives. War and the Human Experience (WHE) partners with veterans, refugees, and their loved ones to enrich the learning environment for DMACC students and the community at large. The WHE series fosters DMACC’s commitment to being a military friendly college by having veteran students serve as advisers and participants in programming. Lastly, WHE promotes citizenship as understanding past and present conflict is a civic responsibility.

Upcoming Ev​​ents​

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Past Ev​​ents​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Student Service Member Profile - Stephen Klein

Stephen Klein 
Stephen Klein worked as an infantryman, combat engineer, cannon crew member, military policeman​, and horizontal construction engineer while serving in the U.S. Army. He has served at Camp Bucca, Iraq, and Sharana, Afghanistan. Additionally, he was deployed to Nicaragua, Arizona, and Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. At DMACC, he is finishing his AAS in heating, cooling, and refrigeration. Klein has already been hired full-time by Facebook.

“I am participating with War and the Human Experience because there are combat veterans who feel they do not have a voice and want their story to be heard. If I can help with getting the message out, why not?”