Make Your Company Run Better


​​​​​​​​​DMACC Helps Make Good Companies Great

Customized Training


  • Best business practices and custom plans
  • Organizational evolution (change management, transition planning and more)
  • Develop Managers/Supervisors
  • Technical Training
  • Safety/OSHA
  • Lean for the Workplace


  • Thorough Needs Assessment
  • Customized training, on budget and on schedule, designed to address your business needs
  • Ongoing coaching for successful implementation and sustainability


  • At Your Company
  • At DMACC
  • Online
  • Third party location

Funding For Training

Your DMACC Consultant is your partner in achieving business success and will ensure you receive maximum benefits from the time and money you invest in training.

Some training funding options may include:

  • Iowa New Jobs Training Program
    •  260F for businesses improving the skills of existing employees in Iowa, and
    • 260E for businesses creating new jobs in Iowa.
  • Workforce Training and Economic Development Program (WTED) to train employees from entry level to management positions.


Want to Learn More? Please fill out the form below.

Partner with DMACC

Does your company require your employees to possess a specific skills set that is difficult to find? Work with DMACC to develop training for those employees, or tap into our current Programs/Majors and classes. We can develop a partnership with your company to connect current DMACC employees with your company while they are learning for employment with your company after graduation.

Funding for Training

Your DMACC Consultant is your partner in achieving business success and will ensure you receive maximum benefits from the time and money you invest in training.

Some training funding options may include:

  • Iowa New Jobs Training Program

    • 260F for businesses improving the skills of existing employees in Iowa, and

    • 260E for businesses creating new jobs in Iowa.

  • Workforce Training and Economic Development Program (WTED) to train employees from entry level to management positions.

Tuition Reimbursement

DMACC has a full range of credit classes to help your employees succeed. Offer tuition reimbursement, and your employees can take advantage of DMACC's Deferred Tuition Plan​ to take classes and be rewarded for developing skills with passing grades.​

Contact Us Today
1-800-362-2127 ext. 4912 or