Students Talk STEM

Here's what DMACC Students have to say about STEM:

​More than Just a Seamless Transfer

Attending DMACC was a financial choice, and it offered me a seamless transfer to ISU to pursue an engineering degree. But it turned out to be so much more. My professors took an interest in me, sought out opportunities for me, and pushed me hard to take advantage of them. I was encouraged to try out for the cross-country team, even though I never ran track, and was offered a scholarship. The individualized attention and strong learning foundation set me up for success.   I owe so much to the faculty. I can’t say enough about them.​
- Grace, DMACC Graduate, Boone Campus

A Natural Fit

"I have always loved math and I enjoy hands-on stuff and learning how things work, so STEM was a natural fit for me. The price to study at DMACC is also very affordable. I like the small class sizes, and it's easy to establish relationships with professors. If you want to meet intelligent people or challenge yourself, definitely come to DMACC!"
-Hu, DMACC Math/Engineering, Transfer Applicant to Grinnell College

Finding My Career

"When I graduated from high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do, although I enjoyed being able to use math and creativity to find solutions to the various problems. DMACC was a logical starting point, as I was able to take many courses and explore my interests, while not racking up a huge amount of debt. During my sophomore year, I was able to cross-enroll in actuarial science classes at Drake for free. This opportunity paved the way for me to become an Actuary."
-Grant, Actuary (currently working in Des Moines) DMACC Graduate

Small Class Size

"I chose DMACC because it has a great program and classes that help you pursue your dream job. There are so many factors, too, such as great professors who are willing to help you at any time, and small classes that help you understand each concept the professor conveys. The cost of these classes is always affordable, and they all transfer to the university that you are planning to attend."
-Ward, Civil Engineering Major, plans to transfer to ISU

Pre-Engineering Path

"I chose STEM because I've enjoyed math and science since high school. I originally wanted to be a math major, but felt that I was missing out on physics and biology, so I switched to biological systems engineering.

Going to DMACC before enrolling at Iowa State University helped me decide what I really wanted to do. I also developed a lot of great study habits at DMACC, which helped me prepare for Iowa State. DMACC's pre-engineering program has really helped me plan out my education. When I was at DMACC, I formed study groups. This helped a lot with my classes, but I also go to know other engineering students. When some of the other students transferred before me, they were able to tell me how the classes at ISU and DMACC compared. I still keep in touch with many of them. Also, the tutors in DMACC's AAC (Academic Achievement Center) are great. It also helps to ask the instructors a lot of questions."
-Elizabeth, Bio Systems Engineering, DMACC Graduate/ISU Student