Protect Yourself and Your Property

  • Keep your apartment/house door(s) locked!  Leaving doors open for even one minute is an invitation to robbery or attack.
  • Always lock your room or office if you are alone after hours.
  • Do not leave your purse in/on an unlocked desk or drawer.
  • Do not leave belongings unattended in libraries, hallways, locker rooms or classrooms.
  • Keep your keys safe! Do not leave keys lying around in your room, office or apartment.
  • At night, have your keys ready before you get to your door or car.
  • Identify all items of value with your name and a special identifying mark.
  • Require authorization and identification from any service personnel before letting them into your room, office or apartment. Don't leave backpacks unattended at any time.

How to be safe on the way »