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We are excited to have the wetlands project through IDALS completed! Thanks to Dallas County, Ducks Unlimited, Iowa Water Quality Alliance , Prairie Meadows, and all others involved. This will filter a couple hundred acres of cropland ahead of entering the Raccoon River watershed​

Published: 4/7/2023 1:16 PM


Special thanks to 40 under 40 award winner Chris Deal of Deal's Orchard for visiting  classes today.  We enjoyed learning more about specialty crops, transitioning back to the family farm , and the challenges associated with business start-ups. 

Published: 3/7/2023 4:14 PM

​April - August 2023 | DMACC Dallas County Farm


Agronomy in the Field is a FREE workshop series designed to provide opportunities for women to learn more about crop production to help strengthen decision-making on the farm and increase the comfort level when talking with landowners, ag retailers, and farming  partners.

Each session will begin at 6:00 p.m. and focus on real-time field conditions and hands-on activities at the DMACC Dallas County Farm. 

Join us at 25749 N Ave. (US-169), Adel, IA:

  • April 18: cover crop and grazing management
  • May 23: corn and soybean planting, early season scouting
  • June 20: mid-season scouting
  • July 18: pasture management
  • August 22: end-of-season evaluations​


RSVP to Aleta Cochran 515-993-4281 or

Published: 3/1/2023 12:46 PM

Iowa Cover Crop.png​​​​
Thanks to Iowa Cover Crop for speaking with our students not only about the benefits of cover crops and the value these crops may bring to an operation,  but also speaking to the value of life experiences and importance of setting career goals. 

Published: 3/1/2023 8:57 AM

20230221_160209.jpgSpecial thanks to Doug Pooch of Wyffels Hybrids for speaking about the seed business to DMACC AGA 211 Grain and Forage classes this week. 

Published: 2/22/2023 9:24 AM

Thanks to Dustin Farnsworth of rural Guthrie County for addressing a full house at DMACC Agribusiness classes today. We enjoyed hearing the firsthand accounts of an Organic Producer.  

Published: 1/27/2023 8:31 AM


Professional auctioneer David Aeschliman is teaching a new auctioneering course at DMACC through a unique partnership between DMACC Continuing Education​ and the Walnut Creek Auctioneer College.

Published: 1/24/2023 4:15 PM

The DMACC farm hosted Soil-Max in mid-November, and there was a YouTube blogger in attendance.

Published: 12/1/2022 10:22 AM

Beautiful day for some hands-on learning. Did we set the combine up correctly!? Let's measure and calculate losses, then tie those losses to a per acre price! 


Published: 11/9/2022 10:50 AM

​Students calculate yield in standing soybeans on the Channel Seed Soybean plots. The group that can estimate within a bushel of actual harvest yield data does not have to take the semester test in Agronomy! Best of luck!


Published: 10/30/2022 9:05 PM

​Students utilize the Equipment Plus smart phone application by John Deere to check for the proper harvester settings on the combine. A post-harvest loss is then conducted in the harvested field to predict losses from combine settings.


Published: 10/27/2022 7:41 AM

​Thanks to Doug Pooch of Wyffels Hybrids, Jon Meade of Tri City Ag Supply (Dallas Center) and Craig Henry of Quality Seeds and Supply (Story County) for visiting with students yesterday during Wyffels test plot harvest day! 


Published: 10/26/2022 10:31 AM

Pictured are work-studies Dakota Boline unloading corn wagons and Ben Clayton in the combine. They are tasked with corn harvest at the farm today. Ben planted the corn acres last spring he's now harvesting this fall.​

Harvesting the corn.

Work-studies on the DMACC farm.

Work-studies harvest corn on the DMACC farm.  

Published: 10/23/2022 9:14 PM

Students were tasked with discussing the general components of a row crop planter and identifying their functions during farm lab.​

Published: 10/18/2022 10:48 AM


This week, DMACC Agribusiness students were able to learn about livestock reproduction from one of the best in the business!​

Dr. Chris Rumsey of Stockvets​ in Indiana (standing above right, facing students) joined DMACC students at Schaefer Farms​​ outside of Adel, where the students got to help with and observe the process of embryo transfer and artificial insemination in Boer goats. In this photo, Dr. Rumsey is explaining the process of super ovulation and embryo flush to students ahead of the procedure.

Published: 10/13/2022 10:33 AM


We are learning firsthand which management procedures work best in certain applications.

Published: 9/14/2022 10:22 AM

The DMACC farm uses the cover crop to hold soil nutrients in place, compete and suppress weeds, and for livestock grazing. A big thanks to Iowa Cover Crop!

Published: 9/8/2022 9:40 AM

Tarping the silage pit.

Thanks for those that stuck around to help. We chopped 250 tons of corn silage used to feed cows and feedlot cattle over winter. ​

Published: 9/8/2022 9:19 AM


After spending yesterday at the Farm Progress Show, today's task is to research planting depth, population, tillage practices for both corn and soybeans. From there, students will get a first-hand look at how their decisions will directly impact germination and emergence of their crops.

The background in this picture is the Corn Cam Plot !

Published: 9/1/2022 4:05 PM

Farm Progress Show aerial view

Farm Progress Show aerial view 2This was the view from the classroom today! Agribusiness students attended the Farm Progress Show in Boone, IA

Published: 8/31/2022 9:27 AM

20220826-1.jpgThanks to the students who stuck around after class and helped replace the tractor window in need of repairs! 

Published: 8/26/2022 10:53 AM

1807's Carriage House

Thanks to Dallas County Board of Supervisor member,  Mark Hanson, for taking a break from preparing for the historical society event being held tomorrow at the farm and showing DMACC Students the inside of 1870's era  Carriage House at the Dallas County Farm! ​

Published: 8/26/2022 10:48 AM


Beautiful day for planting corn. Thanks to Channel Seed and Big Show Radio for the 11th annual corn cam plot held at the DMACC Dallas County Farm.

Published: 5/17/2022 1:36 PM


Thanks to Bob Quinn of WHO Big Show for visiting with students on the corn cam planting day.

Published: 5/6/2022 9:05 AM

Site VisitsIts that time of year in the program...Faculty are conducting site visits with Agribusiness students on internship. Had a nice visit with Grant today at Heartland coop while they were loading semis. Way to go Grant!

Published: 4/15/2022 11:21 AM


The DMACC Dallas County Farm​ has farrowed three litters of pigs so far this spring with the help of student labor. Dallas County Farm Lab Coordinator Jacob Githens said they will have a few more litters to go this spring and then will resume farrowing again during the summer agribusiness classes. The bulk of these pigs will be used in classes and then raised and sold into the meat market. These piglets will be ready for market in September (Beef and ​Pork Sales).

Calving just started at the farm. Students will be working with a total of 55 head to calve out this spring. Githens said they currently have 35 head of feedlot cattle quickly approaching their target market weight and ready for meat sales.  

Published: 3/30/2022 10:28 AM

Thanks to Doug Pooch, DSM for Wyffels Hybrids, for coming to speak about the corn industry to several agronomy classes.​​​​​​​Man standing in front of class pointing to a scren with a PowerPoint slide on it

Published: 1/27/2022 8:42 AM

Thanks to Jeremiah Behrens of Ziegler Cat​ for visiting ag classes to talk with students about his career path, working as an ag salesperson,  and giving students real life experience as to what a sales call looks like.​​

Man at front of classroom showing PowerPoint

Published: 1/24/2022 8:26 AM

​Students estimate and calculate corn yields ahead of the combine today in farm labs. Brisk! 


Published: 10/21/2021 1:11 PM

​Thanks to Champion Seed, RC Casteel of Redfield Feed and Supply, and WHO for yet another successful Corn Cam growing season. The corn yielded well above 200 bushels per acre and if you look closely, you can see the rye cover crop growing between the freshly harvested rows of corn. 




Published: 10/21/2021 10:40 AM

​Making sure combine is set correctly for soybean harvest. We used the Go Harvest app from John Deere to make sure equipment settings are proper on both the inside and outside adjustments on the combine​.


Published: 10/8/2021 9:27 AM

​Calculating post harvest losses in the freshly harvested soybean fields and making calculations to ensure combine harvesting  settings are proper....Real world, hands- on experience!



Published: 10/8/2021 9:24 AM

​Students inspecting axles,wheel bearings, and greasing grain handling equipment ahead of harvest at the Dallas County Farm. Preventative maintenance was the topic of discussion this week in labs. 


Published: 10/8/2021 9:21 AM

​Special thank you to Liz Ripley of Iowa Learning Farms for talking with first year Agribusiness students about bioreactors, saturated buffers, and other edge of field conservation practices and programs. 




Published: 9/28/2021 2:04 PM

​A big thanks to Shane Wulf of IDALS for speaking with Dmacc Agribusiness classes today at the Dmacc Dallas County Farm regarding edge of field practices,  wetlands, and other conservation programs as part of Iowa's nutrient reduction strategy. 


Published: 9/28/2021 2:00 PM

Students help unroll the plastic cover for the corn silage pit.


Published: 9/17/2021 9:35 AM

​Agronomy students experience hands on learning and get the chance to grow their own corn and soybean plots! We will be keeping records, making our own field plantings maps, and tracking growth stages and progress this fall!


Published: 9/13/2021 8:45 AM

​The Carriage house preservation project is coming along very nicely at the DMACC Dallas Co Farm ! Looking Great! New cedar shingles and tuck point.





Published: 7/30/2021 9:22 AM

Students in the summer crop scouting class are out monitoring the growth and progression of the corn crop

Published: 6/22/2021 1:11 PM


Published: 5/26/2021 1:10 PM

The 2021 corn crop has popped out of the ground.

Big Show Corn Cam looking good at the DMACC Farm! Finally experiencing enough moisture and heat unit accumulation to pop the 2021 corn crop out of the ground! ​

Published: 5/21/2021 2:31 PM


On Tuesday, April 20th, Des Moines Area Community College student Mia Gibson was elected to serve as the 2021 - 2022 Iowa FFA State President. Gibson grew up on a beef farm in Northeast Iowa where they focus on raising high-quality carcass animals. This is where her passion for agriculture and love for the beef industry began. Gibson joined the North Fayette Valley FFA Chapter in 7th grade after watching her older brother become a member. She quickly got involved in the chapter but at that time she didn’t realize how much this organization would impact her and shape her into the person she is today. “I’m extremely honored to serve as the 2021-2022 Iowa FFA State President. After attending my first state convention in 7th grade I knew that one day I wanted to be on that stage but I never thought I would accomplish this. It wouldn’t have been possible without the support of my parents, family, friends, advisors, and the whole North Fayette Valley FFA chapter and school. Thank you to everyone that has helped me along the way!” Gibson said. ​

This past year Mia Gibson served as the 2020 - 2021 Iowa FFA State Secretary and was a Freshman Agribusiness student. She found herself very busy, joining learning more about the agriculture industry, and interacting with Iowa FFA members throughout the state. “This next year I can’t wait to continue to serve the over 16,345 Iowa FFA members. Every day I will strive to help members find their full potential in the organization, learn the importance of agriculture, and that they can achieve anything they set their minds to!” Gibson said.​

Published: 5/6/2021 1:30 PM

Trenton Eilander was born and raised in Newton and is the fifth generation of Eilanders in south central Iowa. He has a younger sister, Kylie, who is a sophomore in high school, and a younger brother, Isaiah, who is deceased. Trent is forever blessed as a Cardinal, having graduated with the NHS Class of 2020. He is a recipient of the Mark Pearson Scholarship and is on the Dean’s List at Des Moines Area Community College in the Agricultural Business program. Trent is a member of the Iowa Corn Growers Association, Newton Church of the Way, the Jasper County Farm Bureau, Key Co-operative, and Newton Lodge 59 and of course FFA. His jobs currently include working on farms, lawn care for residential and rural customers, maintenance at Westwood Golf Course, caring for local cemeteries, working at HyVee, and enjoying his internship at Key Co-op in Newton. Trent can be found happiest scooping the loop in his 1996 Ford Centurion diesel, bidding at auctions, attending church, tractor rides, and mowing lawns. His top goals include leaving the Iowa FFA better than he found it, pursuing the American FFA degree, and eventually owning his own farming operation.​​

Published: 5/6/2021 11:35 AM

​Thanks to the Big Show and 2021 sponsor Champion seed as the DMACC Farm and The Big Show enter the 10th growing season of the Corn Cam! Time flies when you are having fun!  

Celebrating 10 years of corn cam.

Published: 5/4/2021 11:54 AM

​Thanks to all the FFA members who stopped by the booth today.


Published: 4/22/2021 11:37 AM

Grant Kenke- ag intern of the week

Published: 4/20/2021 2:12 PM

DMACC staff and students showed Representative Axne the hands-on experience they got while studying animal science and agronomy at the DMACC Farm. 

For more information, view The Perry News article.

Representative Cindy Axne recently visited our farm.

Published: 4/16/2021 3:04 PM


The Dallas County Board of Supervisors gave provisional approval last month to a plan by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) and the Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC) Agribusiness Program to construct a five-acre wetland on county farmland rented by DMACC and used as a teaching farm.

Published: 2/22/2021 1:43 PM


Cover crops are plants that are planted to cover the soil rather than for the purpose of being harvested.

Published: 11/13/2020 2:04 PM

Cover crop is emerging surprisingly well given the dry conditions this fall. Looking to supress weeds and make some good cattle forage using cereal rye ahead of planting the acres to soybeans next growing season. 


Published: 10/19/2020 10:06 AM
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