Independent Study

​Independent Study provides an opportunity for the above-average student to conduct independent research in areas not covered in the regular curriculum or to explore in greater depth a topic covered in a course. Each independent study project must be arranged in advance through a supervising faculty member. Standard tuition per credit hour is charged. Independent Study may not be used to earn credit for any courses listed in the College catalog or substitute for any required or option course in a program. Each independent study may be for one, two, or three credits. A student may earn a maximum of four hours of elective credit in any one term and eight hours in total through Independent Study. Students may register in Independent Study at any time during the term. A student is expected to commit 60 clock hours of study for each credit earned by Independent Study. (See also Directed Study.)

If an instructor agrees to supervise an Independent Study for a student, the instructor should meet with the student and complete a Contract for Independent Study form. The form must then be signed by the Program Chair/Group Leader and the appropriate Academic Dean or Provost. The completion of the study does not need to coincide with the regular semester; however, all work must be completed by midterm of the subsequent semester. The faculty member submits an evaluation of the independent study to the program chairperson or departmental office. Compensation for supervising an Independent Study is equivalent to the tuition paid by the student.

A copy of the Contract for Independent Study is attached along with a copy of the Evaluation of Independent Study form.
