Faculty Mentoring Program

DMACC has a formal mentoring program as of the fall of 2002. Each new faculty has been assigned a mentor. Mentors are experienced faculty who have mastered their teaching and learning profession and are dedicated to promoting excellence in the field. Mentors must play several roles, including guide, role model, sponsor, counselor, coach, resource, and colleague. The following guidelines should help explain the program to prospective mentors for future terms.

Definition of Mentoring (adapted from Mentors Peer Resources)

A formal mentoring relationship typically has the following characteristics:

  • a deliberate, conscious, voluntary relationship;
  • that is supported by the organization and is in alignment with the mission or vision of the organization;
  • that occurs between an experienced, employed, or retired person (the mentor) and one or more other persons (mentee);
  • who are generally not in a direct, hierarchical or supervisory chain-of-command;
  • where the outcome of the relationship is expected to benefit all parties in the relationship for personal growth, career development, goal achievement, and other areas mutually designated by the mentor and mentee;
  • and such activities taking place on a one-to-one or by electronic or telecommunication means; and
  • typically focused on interpersonal support, guidance, mutual exchange, sharing of wisdom, coaching and role modeling.

See the Mentors Peer Resource site for more information.

DMACC Faculty Mentoring Guidelines

Purpose of Project: Mentors will serve as a resource for new regular faculty on areas related to teaching and learning and personal and professional development. They will also assist new faculty in becoming acclimated to their individual campuses including facilities and services. The faculty mentoring project will be voluntary for both mentors and mentees, however, it is expected that new faculty will participate.

Selection of Mentors: Academic deans and provosts will select experienced faculty to serve as mentors. Prospective mentors will be asked to volunteer to work with a new faculty member during the new faculty members first term. Selections should be confirmed no later than the end of the summer term. Faculty will not be compensated for their involvement with the exception of pay for participating in the new faculty orientation week (if their schedules allow).

Responsibilities of Mentors

Mentors will be responsible for:

  • Meeting with the mentee during the new faculty orientation week if possible (or arranging a meeting early in the first two weeks of the fall term) and periodically throughout the semester.
  • Acclimating the mentee to formal and informal policies and procedures within the department. Introducing the mentee to colleagues and other College personnel who might be resources for them. These activities are on a more informal basis than the department chair's interaction with the new faculty member.
  • Supporting and advising the mentee.
  • Providing information and feedback on issues related to teaching and learning in the classroom.
  • Completing a short assessment of the mentoring project at the end of the semester.

Qualifications of Mentors (Adapted from John Van Ast's Mentor-Mentee Handbook):

A good mentor

  • Is a skillful teacher.
  • Has a thorough command of the curriculum begin taught.
  • Is a good listener.
  • Is sensitive to the needs of the beginning faculty member.
  • Is knowledgeable about departmental and campus resources.
  • Is willing to spend time with the mentee.
  • Is committed to the concept of mentoring.

Responsibilities of Mentees

Mentees will be responsible for:

  • Meeting with their mentors as early in the semester as possible to plan how and when they will interact with each other.
  • Listening with an open mind to any advice the mentors may share with them.
  • Seeking out their mentors when they need advice, support, or information.
  • Completing a short assessment of the mentoring project at the end of the semester.

Training of Mentors:

  • A short, training session will be held either during the week of new faculty orientation or at the beginning of the fall semester to introduce mentors/mentees to the project and the concept of mentoring.
  • Mentors will be provided with materials including checklists of suggested activities, guidelines for dealing with problems that might arise between the mentor and mentee, and campus resource information.
  • Informal follow-ups with mentors will be conducted during the fall semester by members of the Faculty Development Committee to determine if any assistance is needed.
  • At the end of the fall semester, an assessment will be completed by the mentor to provide the Faculty Development Committee with feedback on the project.