Ethics Statement

Principle I - Commitment to the student

DMACC educators measure their success by the progress of each student toward realizing higher potential. DMACC educators therefore work to stimulate the spirit of inquiry, the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, and the formation and realization of worthy goals. In fulfilling this obligation to the student, DMACC educators:

  1. shall attempt to provide a framework for collaborative and independent learning that is unbiased and includes various points of view.
  2. shall not engage in an activity that inhibits or interferes with student learning. Such activities include, but are not limited to, deliberately undermining a student's self-esteem, employing discrimination or favoritism in teaching practices, or using one's professional position to gain personal advantage with a student.
  3. shall keep in confidence information that has been obtained and/or disclosed in the course of professional service and/or relationships unless disclosure serves a professional purpose or is required by law.

Principle II - Commitment to the public

One of the missions of DMACC is to "assist students to become active responsible citizens in our democratic society." In addition to this mission, DMACC educators share with all other citizens the responsibility for the development of sound public policy which assumes full political and citizenship responsibilities. DMACC educators bear particular responsibility for developing policy that fosters the extension of educational opportunities to all who can benefit, and for interpreting educational programs and policies to the public. In fulfilling those obligations, DMACC educators:

  1. shall take adequate precautions when they speak as private persons to avoid creating the impression of speaking or acting for DMACC.
  2. shall always be forthright and truthful regarding their affiliations with organizations and institutions, professional and non-professional, which may, or may appear to, impair their objectivity in the eyes of the public.
  3. shall always be truthful and unbiased in their portrayal of educational issues to the public. The above shall in no way be construed to limit the legitimate concerns of academic freedom and constitutionally protected freedom of expression.
  4. shall not interfere with a colleague's exercise of political and citizenship rights and responsibilities.
  5. shall not use institutional privileges for personal monetary or political gain, and shall not use institutional position to promote particular political candidates or partisan political activities.
  6. shall not seek nor accept special advantages, gifts, gratuities, or favors, which could impair professional judgment.

Principle III - Commitment to the profession

DMACC educators believe that the quality of education directly influences the nation and its citizens. Therefore, they exert every effort to maintain the highest professional standards, to improve service, and to promote a climate in which the exercise of professional judgment is encouraged. In fulfilling this obligation to the profession, DMACC educators:

  1. shall not discriminate on the ground of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, and to the extent covered by law, veteran status, regarding membership in the profession, nor interfere with freedom of colleagues to choose to participate in the affairs of their professional associations.
  2. shall accord just and equitable treatment to all members of the profession in the exercise of their professional rights and responsibilities.
  3. shall not use coercion to promise special treatment to influence professional decisions of colleagues.
  4. shall hold in confidence information acquired about colleagues that would affect their professional responsibilities, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.