Class Cancellations

​​Class cancellations, substitute instructors, and makeup meetings must be approved by the Academic Dean or Provost. The Instructor Substitute Pay Form may be accessed online.

If an instructor is unable to come to class because of illness or emergency, the dean/provost or designee is to be contacted immediately and will decide what action to take regarding substitutes. If an instructor knows in advance that a class may need to be canceled, the cancellation request should be submitted to the dean/provost as far in advance as possible.

Please note that sick leave causes more difficulty than any other type of leave. Promptly telling your supervisor about any unscheduled absence is imperative. Board Policy 3028 on Attendance/Reporting Absences states, "The College expects employees to maintain a regular, reliable, and punctual level of attendance. Unscheduled absences shall be reported by the employee to his/her supervisor on the first day of absence when possible. The employee shall keep the supervisor advised as to possible return to work and shall also notify the supervisor upon return from an absence."
