Publications and Promotions

The Office of Marketing and Public Relations is responsible for the coordination of all College advertisements, publications, printing, media relations, and services related to major College events and receptions.


Publications are defined as any print material designed primarily for a College external audience. Specific examples include departmental brochures, newsletters, programs, annual report, College catalog, viewbook, College Catalog, posters, College stationery and business cards and direct mail. The Marketing and Public Relations staff of professional editors, photographers and graphic designers is available to produce external publications, and to maintain consistency of messages, visual standards and College graphic identity. As a general rule, please allow three to four weeks production time, depending on the complexity of the project. Not included are correspondence, classroom or instructional material, interdepartmental newsletters or student publications.


All College advertisements also are coordinated through Marketing and Public Relations in order to ensure consistency, quality of message and design and to ensure cost effectiveness. Contact the Office for consultation about advertising projects. This does not include personnel/employment ads.

Media Relations

The Marketing and Public Relations Office promotes College events and accomplishments with every media outlet in Iowa and beyond. The Media Liaison (965-7029) will write press releases or media advisories and contact the media directly to promote placement of DMACC news. This office also publishes the daily online newsletter, DMACC Daily.

The Marketing and Public Relations staff serves as the College's first point of contact for media inquiries, and will direct such inquiries to appropriate faculty or administrative staff.

Special Events

DMACC coordinates a number of special events each year, both on- and off-campus. These would include, for example, symposia, speakers, the Iowa Children's Water Festival, and the College's Iowa State Fair exhibit. Marketing and Public Relations staff is available to help departments plan for student recruitment events, open houses, or trade shows. A small trade show display unit is available for use at no charge. Call 964-6233.

Web/Social Media Services

For program or other website changes on the​ website, please send a request to For assistance setting up social media for programs or other activities, please call 515-964-6825.

Other Marketing Services

  • Photography services (film and digital)
  • Presentation visuals: PowerPoint and overheads
  • Laminating (processed daily)
  • Banners, signage and displays
  • Consultation on other marketing projects not listed above, to include radio

    Contact the Marketing and Public Relations Office at 964-6357 at the Ankeny Campus for requests.