IT Security

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Protecting the rights, privacy and property of the DMACC Community.

Security is important at Des Moines Area Community College, requiring the IT Security team to be an integral part of the college community. All members of the department strive to be proactive and sensitive to the needs of everyone on campus and beyond, while protecting the rights, privacy, and property of the DMACC​ community.​

S​ubmit an incident to the Data Protection Office if you suspect a threat to your system.

About DMACC IT Security

Security is important at Des Moines Area Community College, requiring the IT Security team to be an integral part of the college community. All members of the department strive to be proactive and sensitive to the needs of everyone on campus and beyond, while protecting the rights, privacy, and property of the university community.