Peer Tutoring


Peer Tutoring Services is funded by the Federal Work Study Program. It provides supplemental academic services within the AAC lab. Peer tutors are available for students at no charge for certain subject areas. Peer tutors are paid to work with students who are having difficulty with study assignments or subject matter in addition to AAC instructors.

How to meet with a peer tutor

To meet with a peer tutor, students do not need to fill out an application. Peer tutors have set schedules every semester in the AAC lab. Peer tutors are to supplement AAC instructors to help students understand concepts and lessons from their specific classes. All peer tutoring will be only conducted within the respective AAC hours per semester (closed over breaks). Students need to be aware that the AAC lab has DMACC instructors for their primary academic support. Always check to see if one of the AAC instructors is available first.

Become a peer tutor

To become a peer tutor, students must fill out an online application. The application will include a time schedule of hours the tutor can meet with the assigned student. Tutors must have obtained at least a "B" in the subject they intend to tutor, or they must have approval of the instructor who teaches the subject. Currently, tutors earn $12.00​ per hour. Current work-study openings may be found HERE.

Peer Tutoring