Proctoring Exams

Frequently Asked Questions about Proctoring the Exams

If I agree to proctor the exams, what are my responsibilities?
You are to directly monitor the student while they are taking exams, and you must complete and mail or fax a Proctor Report for each exam you administer.

Please review the attached Proctor Report form. Students can print Proctor Report forms from each course web page.

When do the courses start and finish?
The Fall semester begins in mid-August and ends in mid-December. The Spring semester begins in mid-January and ends in mid-May. In unusual circumstances a student may receive an "I" (incomplete) grade and extend the time to complete the course.

For what courses am I being asked to proctor exams?
This depends on each individual student's curriculum plan. The student can tell you how many and which courses they are taking.

How many exams are there in the courses?
This varies from course to course. Usually there are 3-9 exams for each course.

When are the exams?
The schedule for each course is posted on its web page. Both the student and the instructors can provide you with a schedule for each course.

Exams are written close to the day of administration - often the day before. For written exams, the course instructor will email a copy of the exam to the proctor. The proctor can then print and exam for the student.

For computerized exams quizzes and other evaluations, the student will be able to see exact dates AND times that the evaluation is available. The student should then set up a time with the proctor to monitor the exam.

The student has a required amount of time (in days) in which to complete any exam. The proctor will be notified of the time limit via email from the course instructor.

What forms does the proctor need to complete?

How much time does the student have to complete the exam?
For written exams, unless otherwise stated, students have a maximum of 1 hour for regular exams throughout the course, and 2 hours and 15 minutes for final exams.

For computerized exams, quizzes or other evaluations given over the Internet and/or special software, the amount of time the student has to take the exam can be set within the testing software itself. Students will not be allowed to continue after the set time is up.

Can the student use any resources while taking the exam?
As noted on the Proctor Report, the student is allowed to use only blank paper, a pen or pencil, and a non-programmable calculator. Calculators on cell phones are NOT permitted.

As a rule, when students sit for an exam in class they are expected to bring a calculator to all exams and the teaching faculty do not provide one for them if they do not have one for some reason. This is stated both verbally and in writing to the students.

Who are the instructors for the courses and how can we contact them?
The DMACC MLT instructors are:

Karen Campbell, Program Chair and Instructor
515-964-6296 (or 1-800-362-2127, ext. 6296)

Michelle Erickson, Instructor
515-965-6023 (or 1-800-362-2127, ext. 6023)

The student can tell you the name of the instructor for each course.