Quick Start Careers™

​Launch your new career in a year or less with DMACC’s Quick Start Careers™​

In just one year or less, DMACC can help you gain the skills you need to move ahead personally and professionally -​ quickly and affordably. DMACC’s Quick Start Careers™ offer a clear path forward for almost any career interest.

  • Higher wages

  • Greater job opportunities

  • Path to move up

  • Personal growth

  • New appreciation for your work

  • Launch, grow or improve your own business!

DMACC’s Quick Start Careers
are designed to prepare students to enter specific fields without additional education or work experience.

  • Easy entry requirements

  • No wait list

  • Flexible

  • More affordable than traditional degrees

DMACC works with area businesses to develop the most relevant, up-to-date, short-term training programs. In some cases, scholarships, apprenticeships and internships are also available.

To get started, visit with a DMACC advisor.

Now Hiring words with red circle around it 

Quick Start Career Examples​

​Central Iowa employers need skilled work​ers

Career Areas

Three Arrows with the word Jobs in each 


​Short-term diplomas
(2-3 semesters)

Learn more​

Three Arrows with the word Jobs in each 


​Short-term certificates​
(usually 1 semester)

Learn more​