| DMACC students, are you interested in studying abroad in London, one of Europe's most diverse and vibrant cities, during the Spring 2025 semester? If so, now is a great time to learn more and start planning! Join our next DMACC London Study Abroad Virtual Info Session via Zoom this summer to find out how the program is structured, how to pay for your trip and what you can learn from studying abroad. The next session will be offered as follows:
How to attend: To attend, email DMACC Study Abroad Coodinator Bethany Sweeney at StudyAbroad@dmacc.edu and include the following information in your email: Your first and last name
Your preferred pronouns Your DMACC email address
Your major/program of study at DMACC
The date/time of the Info Session you'd like to attend
You will then receive an email reply from Bethany that includes a Zoom link to attend.
Want more info before then? Interested in learning about other DMACC Study Abroad opportunities, such as our regularly scheduled 10-day trip to Belize in May? Be sure to visit dmacc.edu/studyabroad and/or email StudyAbroad@dmacc.edu for more details and contact information! |